Interested In Discount Forever Living Products?
How can I get (15%) discount Forever Living products (UK residents)?
Forever are an ethical company and they offer loyal customers a discount. You can buy the Clean 9 weight management pack here for £93.88 including delivery (normal retail £108.95 + £6.95 delivery). Alternatively you can make £100.00 order made up of any Forever products – (contact us – offer not available online)
Not only will you save yourself over £20.00 on the order, you will also be awarded a 15% discount on any future purchases from Forever Living – for life!
To purchase the Clean 9 with discount you will need these details
- sponsor name: Jay Lane
- ID number: 440100394623
- tel number: 07973 816046

How can I get (35%) discount Forever Living products?
Forever are successful because they believe in fair ethics and practice strong business integrity to customers. There is an opportunity for people wanting to either save money or develop a business of their own, either way the savings of over a third make very good sense if you are frequent customer.
To join Forever as 35% discount wholesaler we have a special combination pack that is heavily discounted down to £199.75 (individual item total cost would be £262.40) this includes delivery.
Some customers are happy to have the discount and that’s great.
Others are glad of the discount and want to grow a business – if you are interested in the business opportunity please go here
You can also email us here –